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October 30, 2010

There is Love and then, there is Life.

You know how in the movies He says to Her, "You make me a better man" and you cringe because it's such a hackneyed thing to say. But, you also hope that you will end up with someone who brings out the best in you instead of encouraging all of your bad habits.

You definitely want that person around. That person makes you feel capable, and powerful and fabulous. That person is the one that is going to ‘woman up’ when it comes time to dislodge the fried chicken that is stuck in your throat.

Because I am spoiled, I have always thought that life should make me feel the same way a lovely woman does - safe, stimulated, challenged, your best, and most authentic self.

Where was I going with this?

Oh yea. In the meantime, there is life (school). Other than committing a few ‘fo-paws’ during my getting–to-know-you period, my first few month have passed without incident. I am studying hard and observing carefully, as school politics emerges. School is demanding (like a spoiled girlfriend), jealous of my indulgences and restricting playtime! School also encourages undesirable parts of my underdeveloped character, including (but not limited to) shyness and over-indulging in things that are bad for me (eating a bag of chips with a pint of ice cream). To prevent a break-up, I have come up with a perfect solution-

Move over Woody...

Meet my dreamwoman.

“Moi? Je ne suis pas infame. Je suis une femme.”

I’m a better man already.


Ms. Edna (squared) said...

It’s Halloween.
You just never know, what emerges out of the mist of dreams.

Anonymous said...

my dreamwoman too

Pam Malibu said...

After Romy’s glowing endorsement of Woody Allen as a sex symbol, Bob Hope referred to him as that “little spider monkey with a falsetto voice.”

Anonymous said...

c'est aussi un de mes favorites

a HUGE fan said...

Ahhhh, I love Romy Schneider. She was beautiful, talented, sexy. She was the most beautiful woman to grace the silver screen. I couldn't imagine loving, a more beautiful, sweet, sensuous woman than Romy Schneider.

Anonymous said...